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Bjørka med Dalia Karg som prosjektansvarlig
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På fotofestivalen Oslo Negativ som åpner 14. oktober i den gamle veterinærhøgskolen på Adamstuen presenterer vi følgende fotografer: Terje Abusdal, Signe Andersen, Katharina Barbosa, Adrian Bugge, Brian Cliff Olguin, Siri Ekker Svendsen, Chris Harrison, Jason Havneraas, Riitta Ikonen & Karoline Hjorth, Preben Holst, Rebecca Shirin Jafari, Dalia Karg, Jói Kjartans, Jan Khür, Katharine MacDaid, Giulia Mangione, Dag Nordbrenden, Julie Olsen, Ulla Schildt, Marit Silsand, Jon Sæland, Tor Simen Ulstein, Istvan Virag og Maya Økland under tittelen DEMO. Last ned verksliste og bio. Flere medlemmer har også bøker i kunstbutikken til Preus museum og Ingrid Eggen, Dag Norbrenden, Brian Cliff Olguin og Maya Økland viser også arbeider i andre rom på festivalen.  

Festivalens tema i år er DNA – Demokrati. Natur og Ai og vi har derfor benyttet kunstig intelligens (Ai) til å skrive en "demokratisk" utstillingstekst basert på to ord fra hver kunstner:

Step into the world of DEMO, a journey of resilience and reflection, where the artistry of democracy

comes to life through a captivating exploration of the past, present, and future. In this immersive

exhibition, we invite you to witness the evolution of society, as we navigate the complex interplay

between the democratic spirit and the challenges it faces.

As you enter the gallery, the imposing silhouette of a ghost castle looms in the background. This

spectral monument symbolizes the historical scars of power struggles, reminding us of the ever-evolving

nature of democracy. Here, the past holds the wisdom of a prophet, revealing lessons that guide our

democratic journey.

Taxidermist animals are poised nearby, frozen in time and beckoning us to ponder the fragility of life.

These creatures serve as a poignant metaphor for our democracy, demonstrating both its resilience

and the interventions that shape its course.

Within the heart of the exhibition, you'll find an office surrounded by a lush forest. This juxtaposition

highlights the suburban unease that often accompanies political power. The chair in the centre becomes

a symbol of authority, while the natural world outside offers an intimate companionship between

governance and nature.

A collection of eggshells rests delicately on a bed of sand and water, reflecting the scar tissue that

remains after political battles. The scarred surface conceals the strength within, showcasing the enduring

resilience of democratic ideals. In stark contrast, burning rubber immerses you in a fiery landscape of

scorched earth and palm trees, underscoring the urgency of addressing societal challenges. This visceral

tableau highlights the consequences of inaction.

Mother land offers a vibrant portrait of a democratic ideal, where tulips bloom in abundance, celebrating

the strength of a united society. This vision stands in contrast to the void left by the absence of such

unity, evoking a deep sense of longing. Throughout the exhibition, darkroom prints capture the moon's

gentle attraction to water, symbolizing the universal trajectory of democracy. These images invite

reflection on the cosmic forces that shape our democratic journey.

DEMO is an invitation to contemplate the complex relationship between democracy and society. It

encourages us to explore the delicate balance between resilience and fragility, the intimate companionship

of governance and nature, and the profound mysteries that shape our collective destiny. As you navigate

this transformative space, may you find inspiration and insight into the ongoing evolution of democracy

and its enduring strength.1

1 Text generated by AI using t wo words from each artist to describe their individual work

Årets festivaldager er 14.- 29. oktober 2023. Oslo negativholder åpent lørdag & søndag. Kl. 11.00 - 18.00.

(Bannerbilde: Adrian Bugge "Inngrep: Flomløp, 2022")

Bjørka Verksted for Fotografi
Schweigaardsgate 34D, 0191 Oslo
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